Monday, June 22, 2009

Did daddy model his 'scissors'?

Johnny, Age 5

Johnny: you got one thing right, the spelling of Scissors. I hope that when daddy was telling you how to spell the word, he wasn't modeling his set of 'scissors' for you.


Anonymous said...

why'd you capitalize the word "scissors"?

Anonymous said...

Hah a

Anonymous said...

I had to login just to let you know how annoyed I am at your blog. I thought it might be a little funny, a little interesting. It was just plain irritating. You are not an artist, art educator, and I hope not a teacher or a parent. These are NOT the worst drawings in the world, saying they have NO skill or talent is not even close to the truth and your captions aren't even humorous. Your grammatical and spelling errors make me think you did more sleeping than anything in school. Maybe you should have drawn more. Some of these drawings make me suspect these kids could be very talented, creative and ingenious even. And I don't need a degree in art education to see that (which I do, but that's beside the point). I hope you quit using your time to poke fun at children. I've seen it change lives and be the only positive in some of their day. There are so many other funny things out there. Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up Francis

Anonymous said...

You know, your being really mean to these kids. I mean like do you expect them to make some sort of masterpiece that'll go up in a famous art museum? This ain't right.

Unknown said...

You guys are dicks. Get a fucking life and take a joke.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Omg why couldn't have he drawn the scissors open